Developing a Positive Psychotherapy Balance Model Application Scale to Study Academicians’ Skills in Solving Personality Conflicts
Positive psychotherapy, conflict-solve, balance model, scale, personalityAbstract
The principal focal point of Positive Psychotherapy is to specify the “positive” and reinterpret the symptoms/disorders in a positive way and help the client lead a balanced personal life. Human life is dealt within four- balance dimensions; the body (senses), achivement (mind), relationships (traditions), and the future/ Spirituality. Any individual experiencing such Conflicts is inclined to cope with them through different dimensions. This study aimed to develop a “Positive Psychotherapy Balance Model Scale” to be administered to the academicians at the university. The scale developed by the researchers was conducted on the academicians for its reliability and validity and the data were examined through 24.0 SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) program. The participants were picked through random sampling method, in which 291 participants out of 1200 were interviewed considering confidence-range and sampling-error. The validity and reliability of 23 items out of 51 in the Positive Psychotherapy Balance Model Scale were calculated.
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