Evaluation of Straregic Approaches Against Drug Abuse in Education Instututions According to Stakeholders' Opinions
Substance Addiction, Strategic Planning, Action Planning, Municipalities, EducationAbstract
The aim of this study is to evaluate strategic approaches in combating substance use according to the opinions of the Narcotics Director of the General Directorate of Police and his staff, psychiatrists, guidance and counseling teachers, university faculty members, and individuals who use substances. Qualitative research methods were used in the study. Snowball sampling method, one of the purposeful sampling methods, was used for the study group of the research. In this context, data was collected by interviewing a total of 60 participants, including the Narcotics Director of the General Directorate of Police and his staff, psychiatrists, guidance and counseling teachers, university lecturers, and individuals who use substances. The research questions were finalized by conducting a pilot application in the formation of the research questions. After the data was collected, codes and themes were created by content analysis of the research data. According to the opinions of the stakeholders in the study, within the scope of the dimension of making non-governmental organizations more active in order to prevent the use of the substance, it is understood that training should be given to Non-Governmental Organizations in order to make non-governmental organizations more active in order to prevent the use of the substance. Participants especially stated that Non-Governmental Organizations should be invited to meetings at certain periods. It has been understood that it would be more beneficial for individuals in Non-Governmental Organizations to be trained by experts within a periodic and systematic program.
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