Development of Learning Methods Combining Cooperative Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning in Improving the Effectiveness of Advanced Financial Management Learning
Advanced Financial Management, Cooperative Based Learning, Learning Methods Combination, Problem Based LearningAbstract
Education plays a very important role in improving the quality of human resources. In higher education, students need learning that is innovative and not monotonous so that learning goals can be achieved. In this research, what will be discussed further is the development of learning methods by combining 2 methods, namely Cooperative Based Learning (CBL) with Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the Advanced Financial Management course. This research method uses Pretest - Posttest Design. The data population is 711 students collected from 17 classes taking Advanced Financial Management courses at Putra Indonesia University YPTK Padang. The sampling technique uses probability sampling. The data that will be used as a sample are observations of 117 students collected from 3 classes. The CPBL method is implemented by grouping students into groups of 4-5 people to discuss each case in the material. Data will be analyzed based on the completeness of learning outcomes and calculating N-Gain. From the data processing, the results obtained were that by combining these 2 methods, it was successful in improving student learning outcomes and the students' completeness test scores were also proven to be very successful in being upgraded. The effectiveness of the collaboration between these 2 methods reaches the high category of the N-Gain test. This is a new variation in making learning calculations that use many formulas more challenging, increasing students' enthusiasm for learning and providing satisfactory learning results. This method is worth utilizing and can be used in all courses that involve calculations and case questions.
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