The Influence of the School Principle’s Leadership on the Success Process in Elementary School


  • Pierre Senjaya Pelita harapan
  • rizaldi parani Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Agustian Prasetya Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Niko Sudibjo





One of the key pillars of a country's advancement is its educational system; a country is only as advanced as the quality of its education system. The viability of the educational system and the relationships among its constituent parts heavily rely on the work of the school principal. The process of replacing the principal, also known as the succession of the principal, produced the current principal who now oversees the school. This study employs a qualitative case study methodology and focuses on the issue of unprepared succession plans in schools when principals change. Data interviews with school administrators on their leadership in carrying out the leadership succession process in schools employed qualitative methodologies. In order to prepare for succession planning that may be applied to schools that have not yet adopted a planned succession process, this research was created to assess the implementation of succession planning for school principals. The evaluation's findings show that the succession of school principals in elementary schools has not been implemented and has not been planned, so it is crucial that this succession be planned for and implemented consistently to guarantee the development, success, and sustainability of a school. According to study findings, unexpected succession may result in school principal vacancies. According to some academics, a decline in the desirability of candidates for jobs as school administrators is the cause of the current shortage of principals.
Keywords: principle, leadership, and succession.


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How to Cite

Senjaya, P., parani, R., Prasetya, A., & Sudibjo, N. (2024). The Influence of the School Principle’s Leadership on the Success Process in Elementary School. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(3), 207–218.




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