Mathematical Semantics Representation Obstacles of Preservice Mathematics Teachers
obstacles, representation, mathematical semanticsAbstract
This study aimed to describe students’ semantic representation obstacles in solving geometric problems. There are three types of obstacles, that are ontogeny, epistemology, and didactics obstacles. This study was carried out on three subjects with different obstacles and focused on math semantic representations in solving geometry problems. The research subjects were 65 students, consisting of 20 male students and 45 female students. Subjects with different obstacles are called subject ontogeny (SO), subject epistemology (SE), and subject didactic (SD). The instrument used in this research was a geometry problem-solving test which was validated by two expert validators. The instrument test on problem-solving questions was about Euclidean geometry course material. For SOubjects dealing with ontogenic obstacles, the representations that appear consist of visual, symbolic, and verbal representations. In the identification stage, the SO showed symbolic and verbal representation. In the verification stage, the SO showed symbolic and verbal representations. Meanwhile, SE dealt with an epistemological obstacle consisting of all types of symbolic and verbal representations in all stages. The last SD subject dealing with didactic obstacles showed only a visual representation.
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