Development of E-modules for Elementary Students


  • Petrus Ly
  • Marsi Bani University of Nusa Cendana
  • Vetty Hariana
  • Petrick Meok



E-module, flipbook, Development


This research is a Flipbook-Based E-Module product development research. Flipbook-based E-Modules can be interpreted as module teaching materials displayed using electronic media. This study aims to produce a Flipbook-based E-Module product that meets practical and effective criteria. This study aims to develop a flipbook-based E-Module product using the Canva application and determine its feasibility (content component, language component, and presentation quality component), its attractiveness and convenience and its effectiveness on students conceptual understanding of material chapter 7 topic c buying and selling activities as one of the fulfillment. The research approach used was a combination of the one-group pretest-posttest design and ADDIE. The results showed that the development of flipbook-based E-Modules for social studies learning chapter 7 topic c buying and selling activities as one of fulfilling the needs of class IV SD Katholik Don Bosko 1 Kupang has qualifications for quality achievement obtained from calculating the average product validity level of 84, 75% with very valid qualifications,  media practicality level of 87.95% with very practical qualifications, and media effectiveness level of 85% with very high/effective qualifications.


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How to Cite

Ly, P., Bani, M., Hariana, V., & Meok, P. (2024). Development of E-modules for Elementary Students. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(3), 300–310.


