Effectiveness of Innovative Learning Media in Elementary Schools during the Covid 19 Pandemic
Media, learning, innovation, Covid-19 pandemicAbstract
This study attempts to analyze the innovation of learning media in elementary schools during the Covid-19 pandemic. This library and field research has the data collected from Google Scholar database concerning scientific articles about innovative learning media in elementary schools during the pandemic. The data were collected using the keyword "Innovation of SD learning media". They were taken from 359 data: 280 Indonesian version and 79 Inglish versio. The data were classified into Indonesian, Natural Science, Social Sciences, and Mathematics, Civics, and Thematic subjects.There are more technology-based media than non-technology-based media. The types of media used in this research are video media, games, books, PowerPoint, and concrete objects used in the six subjects focusing on research. Based on the frequency and quantity of instructional media, the researchers recommend that the Indonesian language subjects use books, videos, and concrete objects. In science subjects, video learning media, PowerPoint, and books are used. In social studies subjects, games, videos, and concrete objects are used. In the Mathematics subject, media games, videos, and concrete objects are used. In PKN (Civics) subjects, video learning media, ICT, and comics are used. In thematic learning, video learning media, games, and books are used.
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