Increasing Social Studies Interest And Learning Achievement Through The TPSPC Learning Model
IPS; cooperative learning; interest to learn; learning achievementAbstract
This research was motivated by the low interest in learning social studies students, while the purpose of this study was to increase the interest and achievement in studying social studies with the Think Pair Share Pedagogic Criticism Learning Model (TPSPC). This study used a class action research approach (classroom action research). This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Kasihan Yogyakarta with 34 students in class VIII A as subjects. The data analysis technique in this study was using quantitative data from questionnaires. The results of the research show that the TPSPC learning model can be improved; (1) Students' interest in learning materials fosters and develops the national spirit of class VIII students from the percentage of students' initial interest before the action of 56% in the medium category to 71.30% in the high category in cycle I, and increases to 74.70% in the being high in cycle II; (2) Student achievement in the matter of cultivating and developing the national spirit of class VIII students from the average pre-action achievement score of 63.5 with completeness reaching 44.12% (low category). After conducting research in the first cycle, the average value of students became 72.66 with completeness reaching 65.62% (high category). In cycle II the average score of students was 89.35 with completeness reaching 94.12% (very high category); (3) Implementation of learning from observing teacher activity 88.88% very high category in cycle I to 97.22% very high category in cycle II
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