The Effect of the Ethnochemistry Approach on Students' Problem-Solving Ability and Chemistry Learning Experiences Based on Gender
chemistry learningAbstract
This study aims to determine differences in the ethnochemistry implementation effect on students' problem-solving ability (PSA) and chemistry learning experiences (CLE) based on gender. This study was a quasi - experimental research with a post-test-only control group design. The sample involved 44 chemistry students, 22 were in the experimental class (7 males and 15 females), and 22 were in the control class (8 males and 14 females). The measured problem-solving ability covered 4 indicators; understanding the problem, planning problem-solving, carrying out problem-solving activities, and feedback. The chemistry learning experience instrument used consisted of 4 indicators of learning experience: Lecture, Tutorial and tutor, Practical, and Demonstrator. The collected data were analyzed by MANOVA test. Based on the results of data analysis and research findings, several conclusions were obtained. First, there were significant differences in chemistry students' problem-solving ability (PSA) and chemistry learning experiences (CLE) based on gender through an ethnochemistry approach. Second, female students' problem-solving ability were higher than male students in experimental and control classes. Third, problem-solving ability were the highest, with the indicator of carrying out problem-solving activities for female students. Female students also owned the highest chemistry learning experience scores on the practical learning experiences indicator.
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