Agriculture Vocational High School (VHS) Strategy in Supporting Sustainable Agriculture: A’WOT Approach
education for Sustainable DevelopmentAbstract
Education integration and sustainable agriculture at Vocational High School (VHS) agriculture was an interesting theme to study. Conventional agriculture has a negative impact on the environment and society. It was important to equip graduates with sustainable agriculture competencies in order to become adopters and agents of sustainable agriculture diffusion in society. The purpose of this study was to develop a strategy for VHS in agriculture in supporting sustainable agriculture. This research used a quantitative approach, the data collection used interviews, observations, a review of literature, and questionnaires. Based on the results of the SWOT element weighting, the highest weight was an opportunity (70% practice), while the lowest weight is threats (30% theory). Strategic priorities were tested in pairs using the Saaty scale. The pairwise comparison value is acceptable because the consistency ratio value is 0.01 or less than 0.1 (10%). Application pair test expert choice, eight VHS strategies in supporting sustainable agriculture were obtained: (1) implementation of the Operational Curriculum, (2) increasing teacher competence (workshops, benchmarking, etc.), (3) competence (learning tools), (4) carry out innovations, (5) develop project-based learning, (6) carry out dissemination best practices, (7) increase the use of agricultural mechanization, (8) hold mini exhibitions of cultivated products.
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