Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Inclusive Education : A Literature Review
guidance and counselingAbstract
Inclusive education is a learning system that provides equal opportunity for every student, regardless of their physical condition. This education is expected to aid students with special needs to gain optimum development. Additionally, one of the crucial education components for students' development is guidance and counseling teachers. This study aims to explore guidance and counseling teachers' role and understanding of the required guidance and counseling services in inclusive schools. This literature review garnered data through numerous search engines, such as ScienceDirect, Springerlink, Google Scholar, WoS, DOAJ, SAGE Journal, and Garuda. Our analysis results suggested that guidance and counseling teachers have to include inclusive education components in their services due to the unique needs of students with special needs. Thus, the guidance and counseling teachers have to incorporate inclusive education elements in the guidance and counseling process.
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