Teacher Perceptions of Teaching Students’ Thinking Skills and Their Skills in Constructing a HOTS Lesson Plan
Teaching thinking skills, teaching HOTS, HOTS-based physical education, HOTS lesson plan, HOTS lesson studyAbstract
This study aims to describe and correlate teachers' perceptions of teaching students' thinking skills with their skills in constructing HOTS lesson plans. This study used a correlational design to determine the relationship between teachers' perceptions of teaching thinking skills and their skills in constructing HOTS lesson plans. Participants were 27 physical education (PE) teachers attending in-service training at the Teacher Professional Education Program. Data on teachers' perceptions of teaching thinking skills were collected using the Teachers' Classroom Practices for Teaching Thinking Scale. The evaluation of HOTS lesson plan construction products adopts the instruments and rubrics developed by Suwarma and Apriyani. Both variable data were analyzed descriptively and Pearson's test. There is a significant linear correlation between the two research variables. The higher the teacher's perception of teaching students' thinking skills, the better the teacher's skills in constructing HOTS-based PE lesson plans, with a practical contribution of 15.6%. Schools and the government need to upgrade teachers with information and experience that is conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive about effective learning. Also, mastery, and loyalty to implementing the Merdeka Curriculum, have the initiative and capacity to sustainably motivate and evaluate students' learning experiences based on 21st-century skills in designing the lesson plan.
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