The Implementation of Madrasa Educational Policies in Educational-Political Perspective
Implementation, madrasa education , organizing madrasa, policyAbstract
This paper aims to describe the policies of the local government and Ministry of Religious Affairs (MRA) office in organizing madrasas or madrasahs (Islamic schools) and to describe the interaction between decentralized and centralized policies in organizing madrasas in Sleman Regency, Indonesia. This study employed a qualitative descriptive method with case study approaches. The data collection technique was done by interview and observation. The research subjects were determined using a purposive sampling technique. The validity determination of the human instruments was measured by the researchers themselves. Data analysis was done through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions making. The results of the study show that educational politics seems to affect the implementation of education in madrasas as there are no specific policies enacted by the local government. Furthermore, the interaction of policy in the implementation of madrasa education in Sleman Regency applies the communication commensurate among the institutions in the local Government, namely the principle of interactive communication, while the Built-in communication model is a two-way interactive communication model. This study concludes that the Sleman Regency local government's policy towards the implementation of juridical madrasa education is not facilitated by special regulations other than the interaction of decentralization and centralization policies in the implementation of madrasa education in Sleman Regency implementing commensurate communication between institutions in local government. The recommendation is local governments need to give special treatment in the form of policies in the form of regional regulations that can provide more optimal facilitation to madrasas and restructure the curriculum .
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